Monday, October 29, 2012

Tory's Weekend!
Hi Mrs. V.'s Class!! Spending the weekend with Tory was so much fun!! Saturday morning I went to Tory's volleyball game. On Sunday afternoon I went with Tory and her family to her cousin's birthday party. Sunday night Tory had to go to private tumbling. I got to tumble too! When we got home I played with her dog, Oscar. On Wednesday I'm going trick or treating with Tory. I'm going to be a marathon runner! Tory's going to be a goddess! I'll share candy with you guys! Tory's grandma and grandpa came to her house. Tory's house is so cool! Tory let me wear one of her dad's shirts to bed. When we had to go to bed we jumped on her bed. In the morning we had some waffles for breakfast. They were good! After that we had to go to school. I wish I could come again! Franky Frog

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