Monday, October 29, 2012

Trip To Pumpkin Patch

Listen to my Voki!

Tory's Weekend!
Hi Mrs. V.'s Class!! Spending the weekend with Tory was so much fun!! Saturday morning I went to Tory's volleyball game. On Sunday afternoon I went with Tory and her family to her cousin's birthday party. Sunday night Tory had to go to private tumbling. I got to tumble too! When we got home I played with her dog, Oscar. On Wednesday I'm going trick or treating with Tory. I'm going to be a marathon runner! Tory's going to be a goddess! I'll share candy with you guys! Tory's grandma and grandpa came to her house. Tory's house is so cool! Tory let me wear one of her dad's shirts to bed. When we had to go to bed we jumped on her bed. In the morning we had some waffles for breakfast. They were good! After that we had to go to school. I wish I could come again! Franky Frog

Stephany's Weekend
Hi People! I'm Franky, and it was fun at Stephany's house because I didn't have to fold the laundry! Yippee!! Doing laundry stinks very much! I just really really hate folding underwear! Stephany's parents, her sister, Stephany and I went to Omaha, and we went to Famous Footwear to find some shoes. There were not any shoes Stephany liked. Then we went to the Mall of the Bluffs. We entered some stores and we found shoes there, but I don't remember what the name of the store was. I think it was called Journeys. I tried on a pair of shoes too, but the ones I tried on were too big for me. The day's over so bye! Love, Franky Frog

Baylor's Weekend
Hey it's Franky! Baylor's house is cool!! When Baylor and I got to his house we hung out in his room. I met his mom, dad, little brother, Bryton, and  Blake, his sister. He went to the Y so I hung out with his other buddy, Cy. Then he got home and we had fun! Baylor had to go to his grandpa's and spend the night, so me and Cy hung out again. It was fun! The next day Baylor got home so we messed around in his room. His mom called Baylor for dinner, so he ate them came up and went to bed. I had a good time with Baylor!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Joey Brings His Salamander!

Joey brought his salamander, and we put it under our document camera so we could project it on the white board. We watched it eat crickets. It is very quick!!

Wilson Performing Arts - October 16th

We listened to a musical group from Pakistan, and even got to go onstage and sing with them!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Lovin' Letter Writing!!!

Writing is a life long skill, and it is so important in many ways. We write for many different reasons at school, and hopefully you will see this writing carry over at home. Many of you have returned your child's address books with addresses of friends and relatives that your child can write to. During our "Daily Five" time every day, many children will choose to write a letter. They are learning how to address envelopes using both our return address as well as who they are sending to. We are also very grateful to Parker Hannifin for donating stamps and envelopes, as well as grateful to the Carrick and Ramos family for donating envelopes! Feel free to write to your child or our class any time! 
Ryan receives a letter from his grandma in Iowa City, and he was thrilled!!!

Fire Safety Week ~ October 8 - 12

The firefighters came and talked to us about making a plan for escape from our house in the event of a fire. We also practiced "Stop, Drop, & Roll". Then we got to go outside and look at the firetruck and the ambulance. Make sure and talk to us about our fire escape routes!!

Iowa Healthiest State Day! October 3rd, 2012

We walked the trail on a gorgeous fall day and talked about healthy lifestyles!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Hey Kids and Parents!!! Check out this fun site to review important test skills for third graders!!
Once you get in to the site, choose your subject, then your grade level, then the skill you want to work on. It's fun and great practice!!
Elementary Test Prep

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Camryn's Weekend
Sept. 9, 2012
Hi Everybody! This is Franky Frog here. I went on vacation with Camryn. It was fun. On the way there we fell asleep, but I got to sleep on a mattress with her. It kept getting lower, lower, and lower. We think it had a hole in it. I went with Camryn's family. She had her grandma, grandpa, mom, dad, uncle, and his kids, Reese and Heath. We went to the lake of the Ozarks. She went to Bear Bottom Resorts, but I had to stay home so I wouldn't get wet. While I slept, she went to her friend, Ronen's, house. She went to Big Dick's and swallowed two minnows with water! They went on golf cart rides and rides to town, but I had to stay home with the dogs, Harly and Bali. Well, that was my vacation. Bye Everybody! 

Mattie's Weekend
Sept. 27, 2012
Hi Everybody! Franky Frog here. Mattie and I went to the Homecoming Parade! We got a lot of candy. Then we went to the park with Mattie's friend Alecia. Mattie and I slept on the couch and watched a movie. Then we went to her volleyball game. We went to the Haircorner with Mattie's mom and sisters. They got their hair done for Homecoming. Mattie's mom got us candy. Mattie might sleep with me on her air mattress. We got to go with her mom to Cubby's and get a snack. When we got back, Mattie's dad took us to get her friend, Morgan. She is nice. Then we got to go to Mattie's car and play house. Bye Everybody! Franky Frog

Nolan's Weekend
October 1, 2012
Boy was my visit to Nolan's house a lot of fun! I got to spend three whole days with him! On Friday I played football with Nolan and his cousin, Brandon. Don't worry, I stood on the sidelines guarding the extra ball. Saturday morning was the big flag football game. Then I watched Nolan and his dad lay down floor. Finally, I fell asleep watching the Nebraska game. Sunday I went to a birthday with Nolan's family and looked for Nolan's dad at the KC Chiefs game. Wow! I'm tired!

Oct. 5, 2012
Hi Mrs. V.'s Class! I got to spend the weekend with Logan and his family. I watched Nebraska and the Packers play football with his dad. We ate pizza and hot wings. Logan taught me how to play games on his Xbox 360 and watched a scary movie. I helped them decorate for Halloween. Logan took me for a wild ride on his scooter. We had a pillow fight with his sisters, and we jumped on the bed. It was fun. I had a great time at Logan's house, but I'm excited for another weekend at IPS. Your friend, Franky Frog.