Thursday, December 20, 2012

Ryan's grandma sent us the cutest yummy reindeer treats. Thank you!!!

Our Visit to Red Oak Rehab!!

When we arrived at Red Oak Rehab we performed some of our Christmas songs and poems for the residents.
Ryan helps his new friends with their Bingo game.

Logan and Juan enjoyed their new buddies!

Joey plays some Bingo with his new buddies.

Wyatt has fun helping his friends.

Camryn loved meeting her new buddy!

Alecia, Karlie, and Jesus enjoyed playing Bingo too!

Tori and Anna play Bingo.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Rachel is Star of the Week!

Rachel and Franky's Weekend!

Hi Everybody! This is Franky the frog here! Last Friday Gerry picked us up from Rachel's house. We went to IPS and made cookies, and I stole one! On Saturday we went to see the movie, "Elf". On Sunday we watched "The Parent Trap" at Rachel's house. Then we went to Rachel's grandma Beth's house. We played games. It was a great time with Rachel. Bye Everybody!

Franky's Adventures with Joshua!

Joshua's grandma picked us up from school. She drove us to Joshua's house where we went inside and I met his dad. His dad told us to go play. We ended up listening to music. When Joshua's mom came home from work I got to meet her also. She is really fun, right along with his dad. I helped Joshua make supper. We went to Burger King. She got me a cheeseburger kids' meal, the same thing that Joshua had. After supper, since it was late, we got ready for bed. Joshua loaned me a pair of his pajamas. We played guessing games about each other. His parents came in and tucked us in to bed. I slept on his floor beside him. Saturday Joshua and I went to the movie with his Aunt Betty. We saw "How the Grinch Stole Christmas". That was a funny movie. We laughed quite a bit. We went back to his parents' house where I helped him color his "Star of the Week" poster. I learned what his favorite things are. That  night we played cards with his mom. Sunday we played games, watched football, and read books. I had a fun weekend!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Joshua is Star of the Week!

Joshua reading one of his favorite books to us!

Joshua's grandma and aunt made some very special treats for his guessing sack! They are sleighs made from lots of goodies!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Ryan Reading to Us!

Ryan's Weekend with Franky!

My trip to Ryan's house was amazing! On November 19, 2012, I rode the bus. IT WAS NOISY! I plugged my ears. On the walk to Ryan's house I rode in his backpack. When we got to his house we played PS3, Iowa state vs. Baylor University. Then we watched TV. After that, Ryan, Casey, and I rested on his couch. I forgot to pack clothes so I wore Casey's. Then we played catch with a really small red football. After we ate we went to bed. 

At 6:30 a.m. we woke up. Ryan took a shower, and he left for school. I was lonely, but he came to play football with me. Then Casey's babysitter came. Casey, Ryan, and I wrestled. Not to brag, but I won! We ordered pizza, but the guy couldn't find Ryan's house. Luckily, I turned on Ryan's porch light and he found Ryan's house. We ate the pizza and went to bed. 

The next day when Ryan got back from school we ate a snack and went to piano practice. At 7:45 p.m. I ate and went to bed. Ryan got sick so I slept in a different room. 

On Thursday it was Thanksgiving. At 12:30 p.m. I ate and we left to go to Iowa City. It was a long journey. We finally got to Ryan's grandma's apartment. On Friday, Ryan went shopping. He brought home a nutcracker and a magic kit. Ryan had a magic show. The Hawkeye game was on that day too. They would have won, but Nebraska intercepted the ball and the Hawkeyes lost 13 to 7. I had a blast, but I had seen that house before. It was sad to leave. I rode in a luggage cart to Ryan's car. 

When I got to Ryan's house we discovered an Elf on the shelf! We named him Jingle. I got to help put up their Christmas tree! I had a blast!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012