Thursday, November 29, 2012

Ryan's Weekend with Franky!

My trip to Ryan's house was amazing! On November 19, 2012, I rode the bus. IT WAS NOISY! I plugged my ears. On the walk to Ryan's house I rode in his backpack. When we got to his house we played PS3, Iowa state vs. Baylor University. Then we watched TV. After that, Ryan, Casey, and I rested on his couch. I forgot to pack clothes so I wore Casey's. Then we played catch with a really small red football. After we ate we went to bed. 

At 6:30 a.m. we woke up. Ryan took a shower, and he left for school. I was lonely, but he came to play football with me. Then Casey's babysitter came. Casey, Ryan, and I wrestled. Not to brag, but I won! We ordered pizza, but the guy couldn't find Ryan's house. Luckily, I turned on Ryan's porch light and he found Ryan's house. We ate the pizza and went to bed. 

The next day when Ryan got back from school we ate a snack and went to piano practice. At 7:45 p.m. I ate and went to bed. Ryan got sick so I slept in a different room. 

On Thursday it was Thanksgiving. At 12:30 p.m. I ate and we left to go to Iowa City. It was a long journey. We finally got to Ryan's grandma's apartment. On Friday, Ryan went shopping. He brought home a nutcracker and a magic kit. Ryan had a magic show. The Hawkeye game was on that day too. They would have won, but Nebraska intercepted the ball and the Hawkeyes lost 13 to 7. I had a blast, but I had seen that house before. It was sad to leave. I rode in a luggage cart to Ryan's car. 

When I got to Ryan's house we discovered an Elf on the shelf! We named him Jingle. I got to help put up their Christmas tree! I had a blast!

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