Thursday, January 24, 2013

Anna is our Star of the Week!!

Franky's Adventures With Anna!
Hi! This is Franky the Frog. I had so much fun at Ann'as house. First, I went to volleyball with Anna. Then we brought pizza home for supper. It was really good! After supper, I watched TV with Anna, then we went to bed. 
Saturday morning we cleaned the house. Tory, Anna's friend, was coming over in the afternoon for a play date. I had fun watching Anna and Tory play volleyball outside, and play games on their Ipods. We also watched a movie. Later, Anna's niece, Natalie, came over to spend the night. I had fun playing with Natalie.
On Sunday I went to Sunday school with Anna. Then we came home and played with Anna's dog and cats. Later, we ate supper and went to bed. We will have to get up early for school tomorrow. 

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