Thursday, November 29, 2012

Ryan Reading to Us!

Ryan's Weekend with Franky!

My trip to Ryan's house was amazing! On November 19, 2012, I rode the bus. IT WAS NOISY! I plugged my ears. On the walk to Ryan's house I rode in his backpack. When we got to his house we played PS3, Iowa state vs. Baylor University. Then we watched TV. After that, Ryan, Casey, and I rested on his couch. I forgot to pack clothes so I wore Casey's. Then we played catch with a really small red football. After we ate we went to bed. 

At 6:30 a.m. we woke up. Ryan took a shower, and he left for school. I was lonely, but he came to play football with me. Then Casey's babysitter came. Casey, Ryan, and I wrestled. Not to brag, but I won! We ordered pizza, but the guy couldn't find Ryan's house. Luckily, I turned on Ryan's porch light and he found Ryan's house. We ate the pizza and went to bed. 

The next day when Ryan got back from school we ate a snack and went to piano practice. At 7:45 p.m. I ate and went to bed. Ryan got sick so I slept in a different room. 

On Thursday it was Thanksgiving. At 12:30 p.m. I ate and we left to go to Iowa City. It was a long journey. We finally got to Ryan's grandma's apartment. On Friday, Ryan went shopping. He brought home a nutcracker and a magic kit. Ryan had a magic show. The Hawkeye game was on that day too. They would have won, but Nebraska intercepted the ball and the Hawkeyes lost 13 to 7. I had a blast, but I had seen that house before. It was sad to leave. I rode in a luggage cart to Ryan's car. 

When I got to Ryan's house we discovered an Elf on the shelf! We named him Jingle. I got to help put up their Christmas tree! I had a blast!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Juan's Weekend with Franky!

Hi! This is Franky. Juan's mom said we had to go outside, so we went outside. I played football with Juan. I made a touchdown! It was tackle football. then we went inside to eat. Then we went to the living room to watch TV for a couple of minutes. Then we went upstairs to go to bed. The next morning Juan had to go to school. I was bored. When Juan got home we watched TV. Then we went on a trip to Omaha to visit his uncle.

Juan doing his "Guessing Sack"

Juan and Franky!

Monday, November 12, 2012

It's Iowa Assessment Week!!

Even Franky is taking his Iowa Assessment Tests (Thanks to Baylor!) Please encourage your child to do his/her best!! :)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

It's Election Day!!!!

Check out these fun links!

Take a Virtual Tour of the White House

Watch a cool video promoting the importance of voting!

This election day third grade held a mock election for our school. Each 3rd grade class was responsible for helping another grade level vote. Our class assisted the 2nd graders with voting. Our building results matched the country's votes, as we elected Barack Obama as President. The results were Barack Obama - 195 votes and Mitt Romney 148 votes.

We also held our own class election. We got in to groups and decided within our group who we would nominate for Class President. Then we worked on persuasive essays to try to convince our class who to vote for. The winner of the vote was Ryan. Read our essays and see which one persuades you!!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Fredy's Weekend!
How much fun I had at Fredy's house on Friday! We played with Fredy's brother. We played the WII. Fredy's brother's name is Oscar, just like Tory's dog!
On Saturday night it was Fredy's cousin's party. That party was a blast! We had cake and ordered Pizza Hut. We ordered 20 pizzas! Then after the part I had a stomach ache. My stomach hurt, but on Sunday it didn't. At 7:45 we went to sleep! zzzzzzzzzz

Tory's sister, Taylor, is our Mystery Reader!