Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Smoky trying to escape for Juan's book, Smoky's Adventure!

Mrs. V. and Mattie posing for a picture for the cover of Mattie's book! We have some awesome authors in our class!

A few of the "twins" at IPS during Homecoming week!

Monday, September 10, 2012

We are Bucket Fillers!!!!!

Our class is committed to being bucket fillers, not bucket dippers, and we work on filling each other's buckets each week of school. We made neat little paper buckets to put outside our door, and every Friday we get to read all of our little bucket filling notes from each other. Last Friday was our first day to read each other's notes, and we were all smiles!! 

Camryn Bass was our first "Star of the Week"!! We learned a lot about Camryn, and she had fun being our star!! She brought Blow Pops in her "Guessing Sack"! Her mom wrote a very special letter about her, and Camryn loved listening to Mrs. V. read it! Her "Mystery Reader" was her mom, and she read Thunder Cake to us!